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2023. g. 3. janv.

Öpik–Oort cloud Comet Interceptor and its OPIC instrument

The ESA Comet Interceptor mission provided the first use case for SIA Nanocraft. Our founders saw the need in providing synthetic flyby imaging data sets to the ESA Comet Interceptor instrument teams OPIC, MIRMIS and EnVisS.

Öpik–Oort cloud Comet Interceptor and its OPIC instrument

2022. g. 22. aug.

Deep-space nanospacecraft: the challenges of bringing cubesats to interplanetary space

As developers of deep-space cubesats or nanospacecraft, we have noticed a technological gap in navigation. Typical deep-space missions use so-called deep-space networks, or DSNs, and radio frequency ranging for determining the spacecraft’s position. We propose to use optical celestial navigation by tracking Solar System objects – the Sun, planets, moons and asteroids – and triangulating the spacecraft’s positions.

Deep-space nanospacecraft: the challenges of bringing cubesats to interplanetary space

2021. g. 20. sept.

Photorealism in space mission design

The original technological ideas used by SIA Nanocraft developed in the scope of Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations, or SISPO, by Mihkel Pajusalu et al. The Space Travel Blog post published by our co-founder Andris Slavinskis introduces the capabilities of SISPO in terms of photorealistic scene modelling.

Photorealism in space mission design

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